English Riviera Tourist Board / News / Fri 18 Jun 2010
Agatha Christie Festival Programme Available Now!

The programme for the 2010 Agatha Christie Festival is now finalised! The hard copies can be requested from the Tourist Information Centres or an electronic version is available to download from www.englishriviera.co.uk/agathachristie/festival.
As you can see, this year’s programme is full of exciting events not just for Christie fans, but visitors in general. All information on individual events can be found by telephoning event organisers on the numbers shown below their event entry. General event information including accommodation booking etc. can be obtained through the Festival Information and Booking Line (01803 408358).
Some items of particular note in the programme include:
120 Red Herrings (for the 120th anniversary of her birth)
We’ll be hiding 120 red herrings around the bay in various businesses. There will be clue sheets that people can pick up from TICs and Libraries. As you can see, the prizes are super!
Agatha Christie Fete (Sunday 12th)
This year this is run by the Rotary.
At 1.00pm, Mathew Prichard, Christie’s grandson, will officially open the festival at the fete.
Meeting Place
Breezes Café at the Princess Theatre is providing an informal meeting space for Christie fans during the festival so they can exchange stories.
For enquiries, note that the Witness for the Prosecution production at the Princess Theatre is performed by the OFFICIAL AGATHA CHRISTIE THEATRE COMPANY and stars some TV personalities including Honeysuckle Weeks from Foyle’s War. The Spider’s Web performances at the Little Theatre are by an amateur theatre company providing a different experience.
Wednesday 15th September
This is Agatha Christie’s ACTUAL birthday! She was born in 1890 in Torquay. To celebrate the 120th anniversary there will be a fireworks display from Corbyn Head starting at 9.00pm. The display will be able to be viewed from most points along the seafront.
For more information visit http://www.englishriviera.co.uk/agathachristie/festival