Encounters Arts is seeking a Freelance website designer to develop and set-up a new mobile friendly website to meet the needs of a range of audiences.
Activities within the contract will likely include
A review and restructure of the main navigation system within the website to best
· Highlight projects and diversity of delivery
· Show USP and creative delivery of the range of project
· Make accessible the project archive
· Profile (future) off-the-shelf projects
· Make clear ‘way in’ for commissions, funders, organisational partners from a range of organisations
· Inform the public about activities and events
· Integrate an active social media presence (Facebook and Twitter)
Within the existing look and feel to redevelop the homepage to complement the above
To develop and establish clear and easy to use template sub-home and contents pages within the look and feel of the existing site.
Transfer of materials from the old website, in the main, will happen through the internal communications team once the structure is developed and set-up.
For more information or to discuss the project please contact Jess Goodwin on admin@encounters-arts.org.uk
To register your interest in working on this project please submit CV, links to examples of work and your hourly rate to admin@encounters-arts.org.uk by 10th July.
Those that have expressed an interest may be contacted to meet the team on 21st July.
For more information visit http://www.encounters-arts.org.uk/
Opportunity Location
13 Leechwell Street
Email: admin@encounters-arts.org.uk
Website: http://www.encounters-arts.org.uk/