Encounters / Events / Fri 07 to Tue 11 Oct 2011 (5 days)
A Little Patch of Ground final performances

A Little Patch of Ground: Devon
A Little Patch of Ground is a performance and food-growing project delivered by nationally acclaimed arts organisation Encounters. Since May, an intergenerational group of local residents aged 7 – 82 have been meeting weekly on the Dartington Hall Estate to grow and share food, and use drama, writing and photography to explore their relationship with each other, where they live and the natural world. This multi – media performance presented by the participants is the culmination of a cross-fertilisation of ideas, stories and experiences. It tells an intimate and very human tale about what its like to live now at this time of ecological challenge and opportunity.
A Little Patch of Ground also takes place this year in London’s East End and these two groups will meet to share experiences.
“Beautiful. Truly inspirational and extraordinary; an emotional piece of work that should be shared across neighbourhoods in this country.”
(Participation Manager, Culture Liverpool - Patch 09)
Friday 7th October 7.30pm
Saturday 8th October 3pm
Studio 6, Dartington Space, Dartington Hall, Totnes
£5 adults / £4 concessions / £1 under 16s
Box Office - 01803 847070
Tuesday 11th October 7.30pm
Civic Hall, Totnes
£5 adults / £4 concessions / £1 under 16s
Tickets on the door only
For more information visit http://www.encounters-arts.org.uk/
Event Location
Website: http://www.encounters-arts.org.uk/