Encounters / Opportunities / Sat 13 Jun 2015
Museum of Now Volunteers required

Encounters Arts are looking for volunteers to help us deliver a public event as part of our project ‘Museum of Now’ in partnership with Torquay Museum. The project is about the people of Torquay and making objects to express what its like to live here now. The project will culminate in an exhibition at Torquay Museum in October.
We are looking for a team of volunteers to help us set up and host the event on Sunday 14th June. If you can help with any of the following we need to hear from you!
• Makers and people who can support other people to craft and make
• Helping with preparing and serving refreshments (tea and snacks)
• Organised people to help with setting up and clearing away, tidying and helping us keep the space productive, inspiring and tidy!
Find out more about Encounters Arts and Museum of Now on our website.
To get involved please email admin@encounters-arts.org.uk or phone us on 07948 922434 as soon as possible. Thank you!
For more information visit http://www.encounters-arts.org.uk/
Opportunity Location
Spanish Barn, Torre Abbey
Telephone: 07948 922 434
Email: admin@encounters-arts.org.uk
Website: http://www.encounters-arts.org.uk/