Date: Sat 3 Oct 2015 11am to 4pm
Torquay Museum
FREE / Please book as spaces are limited
Suitable for all
The Museum of Now Ageing Well workshop invites people age 50+ to participate in a visit and making session at Torquay Museum lead by artist Shelley Castle. This is an opportunity to visit Torquay Museum and find out about the collection, learn a new skill and make something with your hands; create something of significance that speaks about your life today; and possibly contribute to the unique Museum of Now exhibition.
Museum of Now is a partnership project between Encounters and Torquay Museum engaging people in Torquay in using traditional crafts skills to make objects that tell a story about how they feel living today in Torbay. The objects created form part of an exhibition at Torquay Museum from Oct to Dec 2015.
To find out more or reserve your place, please contact Encounters Arts:
07948 9922434 / admin@encounters-arts.org.uk
For more information visit http://www.encounters-arts.org.uk/index.php/museum-of-now/