Encounters / Events / Wed 13 Apr 2011
A Performance of Dartington Stories, Wednesday 13th April

Since February we have returned the Gallery on the Dartington Estate back to its original function as a shop, a place to meet others and undertake simple acts of exchange. Hundreds of visitors of all ages have dropped in to take part in this co–authored living art-work, filling the shelves and walls with memories, stories, images and ideas about Dartington's past, present and future. We have also taken a mobile version of the shop out to local schools and public spaces.
The shop closes on 13th April. Throughout this final day Encounters and friends will bring this heartfelt collection of personal material to life by animating the shop with a multi–media verbatim performance including live music.
Please come and join us to witness this rich and diverse snapshot of Dartington at this moment of transition and change.
Performances are free and last for an hour, taking place at 11.00am, 1.00pm, 3.30pm, 5.30pm & 7.30pm in the Gallery at Dartington Hall.
No booking required. See Dartington website for directions - www.dartington.org
Example of verbatim material left by shop visitors that may be shared in the performance:
From the collection of memories and stories
‘Of moss and pigeons and snowdrops and buds bursting from old crabby wood, of my life coming back in flow, of hope and love and growth. These feelings and thoughts coming as I sat in the rain with a robin briefly in my hand, sharing my sandwich. I again felt blessed to be alive’
'I was lucky enough to live at Foxhole during my first year at Dartington College of Arts. Seeing the estate every day - changing through the season. So many memories. Forever in my heart.'
'An icy walk in the warmth of my mother's company'
From the collection of recipes for strengthening a sense of belonging at Dartington
‘A handful of fantastic special people, add a bucketful of enthusiasm, a dash of inspirational landscape/environment, shake, will create a unique mix. Dartington is special because of the people who live, work, visit here.'
‘Trusting the trust, consultation (local), transparency, honesty, integrity’
'Dartington is a place of change - it must not lose sight of what community means.'
From the visitors book
'Deep, thorough engaging experience'
'Inspiring - hopeful and much needed'
'Important to have dialogues, ideas, open channels of communication
For more information visit http://www.encounters-arts.org.uk/
Event Location
Website: http://www.encounters-arts.org.uk/