Emma-Rose Payne is based in the Access and Outreach team, within the Centre for Academic Partnerships at The University of Bedfordshire. Her primary subfield is applied participatory arts as a means of widening participation in education.
Originally from Norwich, Emma received her undergraduate and graduate degrees in Applied Drama at the University of Exeter. Whilst living in Devon, Emma founded Anthos Arts, an Applied Physical Theatre initiative, which works with young communities in Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Wiltshire.
In 2015 she handed over Anthos and moved to Hertfordshire to work as the Learning and Participation Manager at Trestle Theatre Company. Here, Emma co-taught the MA Education (Drama) and PGCE Drama with English courses at Middlesex University. She also expanded Trestle’s work in international schools, authored OCR exam board teacher resources and began Trestle’s Arts and Health/Arts on Prescription strand.
Throughout 2016, she attended the Special Interest Group for the Arts, Health and Wellbeing APPG, at the time when the group were developing the inquiry report, “Creative Health: The Arts for Health and Wellbeing”.
View my website http://theatredevon.net/emma-rose-payne/