Emma-Louise Qualified, experienced Singing Teacher & Industry professional
Full-time established Music industry professional and experienced, qualified music teacher, specialising in vocals.
I am a motivated, reliable, punctual, ambitious, hard-working individual. With experience of working with children, young people and adults of all ages, learning abilities and needs.
I enjoy meeting all types of people as it gives me the opportunity to explore and expand my communication and interpersonal skills.
I am experienced in all levels of music teaching and education. From peripatetic to managing an entire music department within a busy inner London School. I was an integral part of the school receiving a Music and Media Specialist title and therefore was also in charge of liaising with the local Primary schools, setting up various activity days within our school, to improve their Music education.
I have helped develop the BTEC music curriculum within the entire borough and continue to aid schools in their assessments; with a proven track record of success.
Currently, I also work as a vocal tutor within a sixth-form College, teaching the Rock School syllabus, from Grade 3 to 8. Furthermore, I prep the students for their University auditions.
In addition to these roles, I am also a module leader and lecterer in Music specialist university, The Academy of Contemporary Music. Lecturing all years of study, as well as conducting auditions for potential students.
Being an active member of the industry, in my opinion is vital to being an effective music educator, and I am proud to say that I am still very active in the music industry as an artist, vocal arranger and songwriter. I am consistently finding new ways in which to inspire my students, bringing experience, passion and knowledge from within both the music industry and the education sector.
View my website http://www.selsoul.com/
My Location
dellfield road
AL10 8EW
Telephone: 07983 763 962
Email: elh1982@hotmail.co.uk
Website: http://www.selsoul.com/