Emma Capper / Events / Sat 18 Feb to Sat 23 Jun 2012 (4 months)
The Saturday Creative Club

Saturday Creative Club for 5 yr olds and up. (Please see flyer attached). These sessions will be run flexibly between 4 artists, 2 leading each session. There will be places for 12 kids and the first session on 18th February will be a Free Taster and parents are invited to stay. The following one on 25th February, parents may leave their child and will be invited to come back for the sharing circle at the end of the session.
The aim of this club is to offer creative projects in different media and support the child's own creative journey. We will be inviting other local artists/creative people to come and share their skills throughout the year. £8 per session or buy a book of 3 sessions for £20 (materials included in price)
Event Location
Bridgetown Community Hall
Weston Lane
Telephone: 01803 862 821
Email: emma@emmacapper.co.uk