Emma Capper / Events / Mon 08 Oct to Mon 17 Dec 2012 (2 months)
monday morning moot

Calling all creatives: filmmakers, wordsmiths, artistic community curators, theatricals, dancers, sculptors, furniture makers, architects, painters, photographers,, musicians, visual artists, graphic artists, graffiti artists, guerilla makers, upcyclers, trash-ionsistas, blacksmiths, crafty men and women
From Monday 8th October TTT Art Network will be gathering EVERY Monday (except school holidays) in the Barrel House, Totnes from 10-12 am for the Monday Morning Moot.
This is a great place, time and space for you all to come and bring your projects for some creative consultation. In effect it will be the office space for the creative network. We will be creating a data base of creatives of all media working with the goals of Transition, collating opportunities and cooking up some delicious creative events. Come and stick your oar in!
look forward to seeing you
best wishes
Emma Capper and Katheryn Trenshaw
For more information visit http://www.transitiontowntotnes.org/groups/arts/