Bob's Eye View
A call to all crafty and creative upcyclers
Bob the Bus is a local community service that provides a sustainable travel alternative
to everyone. It operates as a charity and is run by volunteers. Town Bob is the only bus
to provide access to the High Street, Monday to Friday, picking up and dropping o
residents and visitors along its route. Bob needs to nd innovative ways to promote this
core service and increase its revenue in order to keep the bus on the road. As a local
icon, Bob also wants to support and celebrate local creative talent.
The challenge
To create a display wallet using only
recycled materials. The wallet will be
xed to the rear of each seat and used
to display advertising and promotion
for local businesses and events.
The opportunity
Share and show o your skill and
enlighten folk as to the possibilities
inherent in our waste materials.
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/bobthebushire/?fref=ts