Emma Capper / Events / Wed 01 May 2019
Beltane Creative Journeys with the Faeries

You are warmly invited to join Emma Capper www.creativejourneys.org.uk and Claire Casely www.faerywhisperer.co.uk and the faeries on this immersive, deeply relaxing and playful wander through Lustleigh Orchard, Lustleigh, Devon, amongst the apple trees and their blossoms.
We will use a range of invitations to help you to connect with the world of Faery in amongst the apple trees. There is also a pretty stream to explore and the stone May Queen throne to see.
We will meet at 9.45, for a 10am start, in front of the gate into Lustleigh Orchard. During our time together we will use the techniques of Forest bathing, which help us to slow down, come into the present moment and connect to nature through our senses. Beltane is a powerful time to connect with the faery realm and Dartmoor is famed for tales of its faery folk! Apple trees have many faery and magical associations known to our ancestors and we will learn about some of these. We shall offer a range of invitations/creative exercises/guided visualisations interwoven with the faery lore to awaken our sense of wonder and ignite creativity.
The morning will culminate in a magical faery tea where the stories and lore of the Fae will be shared along with the participants own intuited experience.
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/beltane-creative-journeys-with-the-faeries-tickets-57935413381?aff=erellivmlt
Event Location
Lustleigh Orchard
TQ13 9TE
Telephone: 07964 726 107
Email: claire@faerywhisperer.co.uk
Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/beltane-creative-journeys-with-the-faeries-tickets-57935413381?aff=erellivmlt