Emilie Giles / Events / Fri 19 Apr 2019
Soft Circuit Workshop: Design and sew your own robot while learn

We think of machines, particularly robots, as being things which are hard and made from metal, wires, buttons and circuit boards. With the rise of e-textiles and wearables what about robots which are soft? There is already much research around robots as being comforting for lonely people - it would be even better if we could hug them surely?
The workshop will teach young people and their families how to make a simple 2D soft circuit (e-textile) robot out of felt, designed and sewn by them. As well as thinking about toy design we will go through the process of sewing a simple circuit - this time incorporating two LEDs into the object to represent eyes, making a parallel circuit.
For more information visit https://www.d-lab.co.uk/event/soft-circuits-workshop
Event Location
Building 8-12
Clarence Roadd Depot
Clarence Road
Telephone: 01442 864 673
Website: https://www.d-lab.co.uk/event/soft-circuits-workshop