emevents / Events / Sun 21 Apr 2013

Starring milkshake! favourites: Little Princess and Scruff, Noddy and
Tessie Bear, Roary and Big Chris, Fifi and Bumble and B1 & B2 –
the Bananas in Pyjamas, this musical spectacular is sure to have
children tapping their toes, clapping their hands and singing at the
top of their voices.
Joining this fantastic line up will be two milkshake! presenters,
who will take us on a magical milkshake! adventure; bound to
dazzle and delight!
In the milkshake! live show your favourite milkshake! friends
come out to play! But when the time comes to go home they find
themselves stuck outside the TV. Come and join them and then
make sure they get back to milkshake! in time for the morning show!
The show features new songs, classic favourites and funky dance
moves, plus plenty of laughter, bags of audience interaction and
bucket loads of fun for all the family too!
For more information visit http://www.rivieracentre.co.uk/events/213/
Event Location
Riviera Centre
Chestnut Avenue
Telephone: 01803 206 333
Email: productions@maximoo.net
Website: http://www.rivieracentre.co.uk/events/213/