Piano&Violin Recital
An evening of classical music at St. Lawrence Chapel, St. Lawrence Lane, Ashburton, TQ13 7DD
Friday 2nd June, 7pm. Doors open at 6.30pm
Tickets £10, under 16s free when accompanied by an adult
All music will be performed by graduates of Russia’s leading Colleges of Music:
Prize winning violinist Yulia Northridge (Petrozavodsk Conservatoire)
Ekaterina Shetliffe, piano (Dargomizsky College of Music, Tula)
Concert’s programme:
F. Mendelssohn Concerto for Piano and Violin E-minor, op.62
A. Vivaldi ‘Four Seasons Concerto’, Spring
J. Williams Themes from ‘Schindler’s List’
F.Zabach ‘Hot Canary’
Tickets available:
07505884271; E-mail: ekaterinashetliffe@gmail.com
Ashburton Information Centre, Ashburton, TQ13 7QQ; 01364 653426.
Follow us on facebook: search Classicalduoelegance;
For more information visit http://www.stlawrencechapel.org.uk/
Event Location
St Lawrence Chapel
St. Lawrence Lane, Ashburton,
TQ13 7DD
TQ13 7DD
Telephone: 07505 884 271
Email: ekaterinashetliffe@gmail.com
Website: http://www.stlawrencechapel.org.uk/