Earlyarts / Opportunities / Tue 12 May 2020
Creative Care Package for families and teachers

During Covid-19, Earlyarts is sending out a weekly Creativity Care Package to families and teachers across the country and beyond. These are short and sweet ebulletins with a great selection of carefully curated arts activities for families and teachers to do with their young children – all free of charge and great fun:
The aim is to help encourage collaborative creativity when the days and weeks become quite long, and also to bring artists and cultural organisations in to the living rooms of our families.
To receive the Creativity Care Package, just sign up to the Earlyarts Ebulletin: https://earlyarts.co.uk/ebulletin-signup, and please ask your colleagues and families also to sign up. We would like it to reach as many parents and teachers as possible to help make life a little easier for them.
You can also Like, Follow and Share our social media posts if they are of interest:
We hope you enjoy them!
For more information visit https://earlyarts.co.uk/ebulletin-signup