Duncan Osborne / News / Thu 18 Jan 2018
Multicraft Cabin New Courses this Year

New additional content has now been added to art classes at Multicraft Cabin Holmfirth:
Photoshop image editing, Digital Photography, Manga Drawing and Computer Animation.
Learn how to edit and Improve the digital images that you capture with your phone or camera. Create photo montages to make personal gifts.
Create Manga drawings and learn how to create animations on the computer.
If you are interested in these new courses contact:
Mike 01484 684050
Email: gillian.whaley@hotmail.co.uk
or come in person to Multicraft Cabin 24 Victoria Street, Holmfirth, HD9 7DE
News Location
Multicraft Cabin
Multicraft Cabin 24 Victoria Street, Holmfirth, HD9 7DE