Drama Workshops / News / Wed 08 Oct 2014
New Youth Theatre Audition/Workshop for 13-15 year olds

Fantastic opportunity for 13-15 year olds to get involved in the National Theatre Connections Festival. Tower Bay Youth Theatre is based at Tower House School, Fisher Street, Paignton but is open to all. We are holding an open audition/free workshop at the school on Sunday, October 19th, 2-4pm. Please phone Tower House School 01803 557077 and leave your contact details for Mrs Owen Milsom to send you more information. Rehearsals will be on Sundays 2-4 pm with the premiere of a new play in February and a performance in Plymouth, Theatre Royal in April as part of the Connections Festival.
For more information visit http://connections.nationaltheatre.org.uk/http:/www.towerhouseschool.com/2014/10/08/tower-house-to-host-new-youth-theatre-for-national-theatres-connections-festival/