By John Berkavitch
Original Music: Jamie Woon and Royce Wood Junior
Choreography: MarsoRiviere
Supported by Arts Council England
Friday 2 May, 8:00 PM
The Edge, Brixham, TQ5 9DH
Saturday 3 May, 7:30 PM
Parkfield, Paignton, TQ3 2NR
Recommended for ages 15+
Run time: 70mins
In this new work of cutting-edge theatre John Berkavitch is joined by some of the country’s most innovative break-dancers as he explores the feeling of shame through a combination of spoken-word, hip-hop and contemporary dance, illustration, animation and music.
Everyone has something they are ashamed of. A moment in their lives when they knew they were doing the wrong thing. A bad choice, a wasted chance, that thing you wish you hadn't done. That thing you will always regret.
These moments add up and it is the mistakes of our past that make us who we are today.
Shame will also feature support performances by Torbay artists, including students from South Devon College, Juicy Theatre, Dramatically Different performance company and local musicians.
For more information visit http://www.doorsteptheatre.co.uk/