Doorstep Arts / News / Wed 11 Feb 2015
Auditions for Chin Up Company (13-20 year olds)

Applications are presently being accepted for this Chin Up Company, a select group of performers with professional aspirations. 12 young people will be selected for involvement, and applications are due in by Friday 27 February 2015. You must be aged 13-20 to apply. Application forms for the Chin Up Company can be downloaded here. Forms must be emailed to doorsteparts@gmail.com by 27 Feb.
This Chin Up Company will begin rehearsals in March 2015, and will work together until June 2015, when they will tour an original professional performance to three venues.
Doorstep is pleased to be working partnership with Promenade Promotions and Torbay Council on a 2-year project exploring stories of wartime entertainment.
In Phase One of this project, Doorstep Arts and Prom Prom supported local young people as they explored verbatim devised theatre and concert party performance styles. Artists Jon Croose and Tony Lidington worked in residence at South Devon College from September to December 2014.
In Phase Two (Jan-June 2015), a touring company of young performers will interview, research and discover the rich and largely untold history of wartime entertainments in collaboration with wartime veterans & former ENSA members.
To find out more, or to share your stories of experiencing or performing in wartime entertainment (whether in 1944 or 2013), visit the project website: www.ChinUpProject.co.uk.
DOWNLOAD AN APPLICATION FORM HERE: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z2kpehpohc7wl9v/Chin%20Up%20Company_Application%20Form%20%26%20Parent%20Consent.doc?dl=0
For more information visit http://doorsteparts.co.uk/participate!/
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Email: doorsteparts@gmail.com
Website: http://doorsteparts.co.uk/participate!/