**Stalls still available - £10**
This is the church's first annual summer fete. We have timed it to coincide with and celebrate Doncaster Pride. We will be cheering on the Parade of Unity as it passes by, and if anyone visiting Pride needs a chilled place to get away from the crowds for a little while, we're just on Hallgate opposite Flares.
It's free entry and attractions include:
Tours of the church
Craft stalls
Cake stall
Tea & coffee
Book sale
Art exhibition
Rainbow stall - rainbow-themed crafts & gifts, donated by volunteers & members of the church. Proceeds of the rainbow stall will go half to the church, and half to Doncaster Pride.
As always, people from all faiths and none are welcome.
If you would like to have a stall of your own at the fete (such as crafters, face-painters, holistic therapists, etc), or if you would like to volunteer your time at the event, please get in touch at donnyunitarians@gmail.com.
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/events/462303194189379/
Event Location
Doncaster Unitarian Church
60A Hall Gate
Telephone: 07974 479 706
Email: donnyunitarians@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/462303194189379/