Doncaster Little Theatre / Events / Thu 15 to Sat 17 Mar 2018 (3 days)
Triple Threat – New Directions

A Little Theatre Production: Three short plays to enjoy in one evening.
Three very different productions giving our members chance to develop and let their creative juices flow, to encourage new directors to gain theatrical skills within a safe environment.
Each play stands on its own merit and there will be two short intervals.
A great value for money evening and a chance to see works very rarely performed on Doncaster stages.
Tickets: £10 / £8
Thursday 15th – Saturday 17th March – 7:30pm
For more information visit http://doncasterlittletheatre.co.uk/
Event Location
Doncaster Little Theatre
1 King Street, off East Laith Gate, Doncaster
Telephone: 01302 340 422
Email: boxoffice@doncasterlittletheatre.co.uk
Website: http://doncasterlittletheatre.co.uk/