Doncaster Libraries / News / Wed 24 Jul 2019
Space Chase Summer Reading Challenge

Doncaster Libraries are please to announce that the national space themed Summer Reading Challenge has started. Take part with your child over the summer hoilday, sign up for FREE with Doncaster Libraries.
Get FREE access to books, with fun, special creative activities taking place in libraries during the summer holidays. Including:
Aliens are coming poetry workshops for children aged 5-12 to design their own alien and write a poem about them.
A man on the moon construction workshop for children aged 5-12 to create a junk model rocket.
Mungo and the spiders from space Drama/ Comic workshop for children aged 7-12 to act out and create their own comic page.
How to catch a star science workshop for children aged 5-12 make a straw rocket and test it out to see how far it will travel.
Throughout the challenge, library staff and volunteers support your children, helping them to discover new authors and illustrators and to explore a wide range of different types of books.
How it works
- Children sign up for free at their local library and receive a Space Chase collector folder
- Children borrow and read library books of their own choice during the summer, collecting special stickers to complete their folder along the way.
- Library staff and volunteers are on hand to advise and run family-friendly activities.
- Children who complete the Summer Reading Challenge are presented with a certificate and a medal
For more information visit https://library.doncaster.gov.uk/web/arena/summer-reading-challenge-events-2019
News Location
Doncaster Libraries (various sites)
Doncaster Central Library, Waterdale, Doncaster,
Telephone: 01302 734 314
Email: centrallibrary@doncaster.gov.uk
Website: https://library.doncaster.gov.uk/web/arena/summer-reading-challenge-events-2019