Doncaster Art Gallery / Opportunities / Fri 03 May 2019
Capital: Small Grants from ACE

Arts Council England have launched a Small Capital Grants scheme to ensure arts and cultural organisations have the right capital assets (Buildings and infrastructure including digital) to deliver their work.
Who can apply?
Constituted arts and/or cultural organisations based in England whose capital project outcomes are arts focused and relate to the delivery of arts activity. National Portfolio Organisations and applications for improvements to existing arts and cultural facilities will be prioritised.
Projects should meet high standards of design and construction, including ensuring maximum independent access for disabled people.
An expression of interest can be submitted between 11 April - 3rd May.
For more information visit https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/capital-small-grants#section-1
Opportunity Location
Arts Council England
Website: https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/capital-small-grants#section-1