Divergent Drama Acting School, Drama Clubs and School Workshops
Divergent Drama runs educational drama based workshops, drama clubs and Saturday acting Schools. Below is a little bit about the different aspects of our company. Please visit our website www.divergentdrama.co.uk for more details.
Divergent Drama Acting School
Run by professional actors, Divergent Drama Acting School strives to put the creativity back into drama. Children learn stagecraft, build confidence and improve their social skills. They also have the opportunity to stretch their imaginations by taking control of the stories that they tell. Our sessions are split into three age groups. All our sessions are designed to be fun and to encourage creativity and fair play. The acting school is run by professional actors so we offer our older students, who may be interested in a life in the arts, vocal and movement training, monologue practice and advice on applying to drama school.
Whilst Divergent may provide a basic frame for a story, we believe that children should be the creators as they have, by far, the best imaginations. This is why every play that Divergent Acting School puts on is created by the children from stimulus in their sessions.
Actors may sign up termly for our acting schools. Places are allocated on a first-come first-serve basis. To book a place or register your interest please contact us.
Runs on: Saturdays
Location: Royston and Watford
Ages 5 - 18
Divergent Drama After School Clubs
Divergent Drama is proud to partner with a number of schools to offer regular after school drama clubs. Our drama sessions aim to encourage creative learning, team building skills and confidence as well as improving vocal and acting technique. We hold a passionate belief that our drama classes are fundamental in giving children the best communication skills for life and to encourage safe and fair play. All of our facilitators are actors so offer children an insight into the industry, they are fully DBS checked. Each term ends with a show back for parents and friends.
Divergent Drama Workshops
Divergent Drama runs a selection of different workshops in schools. These can be arranged as a half day or a full day, bespoke workshops are also available. Our workshops and plays complement the national curriculum and can be tailored to each school - we bring the bare bones of a script and allow the children to do the rest. Using the facts they have learnt in the classroom as inspiration, we give them the opportunity to create a play, or embark on a physical journey of exploration. Not only do we believe that this is a more effective way of learning, but it means that every experience we deliver is unique, because every child is unique.
View my website http://www.divergentdrama.co.uk/
My Location
Divergent Drama
18 Normans Lane
Telephone: 020 8004 5557
Email: divergentdrama@gmail.com
Website: http://www.divergentdrama.co.uk/
My News
Divergent Drama Summer intensive at Petersfield School Orwell! / Thu 03 Aug 2017
Our Orwell summer acting workshops are back! For only £100 children will spend the week building confidence and learning stage craft, voice and mov...