
When you register a profile in the Creatives Across Sussex directory you can add images, videos and audio, turning your profile into a mini portfolio.

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Shadows in the Heat

Shadows in the Heat

40x40cm oil painting Diana Booth..Read more

Shadows of Time

Shadows of Time

oil on canvas 97 x 102cm “Shadows of Time” is a deep rich warm canvas which is slashed in two by light, and a high horizontal with perhaps some sort of redundant engineering in silhouette...Read more

Shady Spot

Shady Spot

..Read more

Shakespeare 400 Years

Shakespeare 400 Years

In celebration of the 400th anniversary of the death of Shakespeare. Ceramic, Stoneware. 55cms high...Read more

Shakespeare 400 Years

Shakespeare 400 Years

Shakespeare 400 Years. Detail showing Juliet, Hamlet, Titania and Bottom, Julius Caesar, and Sir Toby Belch...Read more

Shakespeare 400 Years

Shakespeare 400 Years

Shakespeare 400 Years. Detail showing Richard III, the Bear, Malvolio, Othello, Desdemona, and Juliet...Read more

Shakespeare 400 Years

Shakespeare 400 Years

Shakespeare 400 Years. Detail showing Shakespeare with the drama masks and the only points of colour in the piece - the eyes...Read more

Shakespeare in the Orchard

Shakespeare in the Orchard

Suzie Zara & Philip Desmeules (photo:mike eddowes)..Read more

Shaldon Bridge

Shaldon Bridge

By Roger Smart..Read more

Shaldon Ferry Teignmouth

Shaldon Ferry Teignmouth

..Read more

Shaldon the Salty

Shaldon the Salty

Shaldon the Salty original : acrylic on canvas : 100 x 50 cm £2250 limited edition prints available The original painting on a 100 x 50cm canvas is currently exhibiting in Frames & Boxes Gallery Newton Abbot,.....Read more

Shaldon, Teign Estuary

Shaldon, Teign Estuary

This picture was taken from the Shaldon bridge on the 6th May 2013. Despite the fact that the sun was rising in front of me (hidden by the mist) there was a sudden clearing of fog from behind, which lead to some magical .....Read more

Shaldon, Teign Estuary

Shaldon, Teign Estuary

Taken on 16th February 2013..Read more

Shame by John Berkavitch

Shame by John Berkavitch

John Berkavitch is one of the nation's foremost spoken word artists. He will be performing at The Edge (2nd May) and Parkfield (3rd May). Tickets are only £4. Book early - they'll go fast! more

shapes in the sea

shapes in the sea

This image was taken of the waves crashing up on Paignton beach. I am fascinated by the shapes found in these smaller ripples and the shadows they produce. Final edit in photoshop to enhance the shapes and shadows..Read more

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