
When you register a profile in the Creatives Across Sussex directory you can add images, videos and audio, turning your profile into a mini portfolio.

This section of the site shows all the media added by members of the network. You can choose to view images, video or audio via the navigation menu.

To add your images, video or audio, register and log into My Space.

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WSCYT: Spring Awakening (May 2011)

WSCYT: Spring Awakening (May 2011)

OnO Theatre produced West Sussex County Youth Theatre's Argus Angel Winning production of Spring Awakening at Brighton Fringe 2011. The show also ran for a week at the Capitol Theatre Horsham...Read more

Antigone (July 2011)

Antigone (July 2011)

Honour. Violence. Family. Pride. It’s the East End of 1960’s London. The dance hall is buzzing with Jive, sharp suits & 50's frocks. Director Gary Sefton re-imagines Don Taylor's translation of this Greek ma.....Read more

Crazy World of Arthur Brown

Crazy World of Arthur Brown

Our latest website : The Crazy World of Arthur Brown. This a full ecommerce website and includes audio downloads from all Live Performances. The animation on the site is Flash and has been produced in collaboration w.....Read more



Mc-ing..Read more

Workshop 24

Workshop 24

Workshop 24 project in South Kilburn: more

Workshop 1a

Workshop 1a

Creative co-working space and community hub in an empty shop, Shoreham by Sea..Read more

Empty Shops Tour - Carlisle

Empty Shops Tour - Carlisle

One-week residency in an empty shop, Carlisle..Read more

AIR Time Belfast

AIR Time Belfast

One of many empty shops talks, discussions, seminars and workshosp - Belfast, Feb 2010..Read more

Pop-Up Gallery

Pop-Up Gallery

One of many Pop-Up Gallery projects - Guildbourne Centre, Worthing 2009..Read more

Artists and Makers Festival Shop 2007

Artists and Makers Festival Shop 2007

Empty shop used to promote the Artists and Makers Festival, including Worthing open houses and Horsham open studios..Read more

it just happened

it just happened

mixed media on canvas..Read more

it was that big

it was that big

mixed on paper..Read more

soft and tender

soft and tender

mixed on paper..Read more

i cant tell you

i cant tell you

mixed on paper..Read more

not precious

not precious

mixed on canvas..Read more

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