Diane Rogers / Events / Sat 30 Nov to Sun 01 Dec 2019 (2 days)
Midhurst Contemporary Craft Show

A Sussex Guild Show by professional designers and makers of fine contemporary and traditional craftwork.
The show is perfectly timed for Christmas shopping and, I will be showing my work along with over fifty members of The Sussex Guild.
An ideal opportunity to buy some beautiful and varied items for presents.
The venue has a cafe for refreshments and the College is situated in the centre of Midhurst which has a variety of cafes, hotels and pubs to explore.
For more information visit https://thesussexguild.co.uk/sussex-guild-events/midhurst-contemporary-craft-show/
Event Location
Rother College
Midhurst Rother College, North St. Midhurst, West Sussex GU29 9DT
GU29 9DT
Website: https://thesussexguild.co.uk/sussex-guild-events/midhurst-contemporary-craft-show/