DewsburyMinsterFest / Events / Sat 25 Jun 2016
Festival of Arts and Culture, Dewsbury Minster. Sat 25 June

Local Arts groups will be demonstrating, running interactive workshops showing and enabling participation in their art.
A Free to access day 10am to 3pm
Special Attractions
Sandie Nicholson's Yorkshire Photograph Exhibition Surestart presents "We're going on a Bear Hunt", a live interactive story.
Roald Dahl excerpts brought to life by Chris Stearn from Dewsbury Library Children's handbells Paul Dawson, Balloon Modeller extraordinaire The ever popular "Fruit and Veg Animals"
Have your face painted
St Peter's Ladies Craft Group
Mould icing for cakes
Make a Personal Fun Weather Doll.
Cake Stall, Tombola & Raffle, Festival Book Stall
Much More
Fun for All
For more information visit http://dewsburyminsterfest.uk/
Event Location
Dewsbury Minster
Rishworth Road
WF12 8DD
WF12 8DD
Telephone: 01977 796 339
Email: ronalda@dewsburyminsterfest.uk
Website: http://dewsburyminsterfest.uk/