Dewsbury Arts Group / Events / Sat 19 to Sat 26 Jan 2019 (1 week)
Life x 3 by Yasmina Reza, translated by Christopher Hampton

Ever wondered how a situation might play out if you'd have behaved differently? Reza explores this concept with her usual sharp wit and observation, with three takes on the same disastrous evening. Funny yet biting and thought provoking!
19th 21st to 26th January.
Bookings go to www.dewsburyartsgroup.info
For more information visit http://www.dewsburyartsgroup.info/
Event Location
Dewsbury Arts Group
Lower Peel Street,
WF13 2ED
Email: dewsburyartsgroup@ntlworld.com
Website: http://www.dewsburyartsgroup.info/