Dewsbury Arts Group / Events / Fri 23 Jun to Sat 01 Jul 2017 (1 week)
Assassins - music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim

Dewsbury Arts Group end their season with the ground breaking musical 'Assassins'. Opening on the 23rd June, this exhilarating vaudevillian fanfare examines nine individuals who attempted to assassinate a President of the United States, intent on making their mark on the American Dream! Its bold, original and alarmingly funny!
Tickets/further info go to www.dewsburyartsgroup.info
or call Ticket Source box office on 03336663366
Dewsbury Arts Group hotline - 01924 505861
Event Location
Dewsbury Arts Group,
Lower Peel Street,
WF13 2ED
Telephone: 01924 505 861
Email: dewsburyartsgroup@ntlworld.com