Devon Open Studios / Events / Sat 10 to Sun 25 Sep 2016 (2 weeks)
Devon Open Studios 2016

Devon Open Studios is one of the largest annual art events in the country, show-casing some of the top talent across the county.
Don’t miss it.
Only at Open Studios can the visitor experience the people, creative process and ideas that unfold within the private studios of artists. Many artists also give demonstrations and show works in progress, allowing the rare chance to see the art being created and get a feel for the process from concept to completion. All the art is displayed and sold by artists directly, simultaneously helping them build their mailing lists, gain new admirers, and ultimately sustain a living.
Our full colour brochure is out now and available on our website, helping you to venture out on self-guided art tours using the colour coded area maps or just by spontaneously following the yellow arrows dotted about the countryside. Be engaged, inspired, and, on occasion, challenged by the art and you might just take home a prize painting, sculpture, jewellery or a piece of handcrafted pottery.
Artists will be opening their studios from 10 -25 September 2016, in some, you’ll also come across music, talks, and refreshments.
For more details visit our website.
For more information visit http://www.devonartistnetwork.co.uk/
Event Location
Telephone: 07768 164 560
Email: openstudios@devonartistnetwork.co.uk
Website: http://www.devonartistnetwork.co.uk/