Denise Rowe / Events / Fri 09 to Sun 11 Sep 2011 (3 days)
Foot To Earth Dance, Movement & Yoga Camp

Foot to Earth Camp is a traditional and contemporary pan-African dance, movement & yoga camp in a beautiful rural setting just outside Totnes with live music, hot showers, hot tub, fire and optional luxury yurt camping.
Lead by dance and movement artist Denise Rowe and guests, Foot to Earth is an invitation to embrace the fullness of ourselves, in movement, stillness, celebration and rest. We will explore rhythm, embodiment and connection to ourselves, each other and the earth with a sense of playful exploration, each moving at their own pace in their own way, finding our common ground in fluidity around the rhythm and offering the unique medicine of ourselves into the space of all our lives. With live music from fire-cracking drums to lyrical kalimba and optional luxury yurt camping, Foot to Earth is an opportunity to relax, to descover, to open and to celebrate our being together on the planet. day tickets are available and yurt camping can be booked at www.havenmeadowsyurtcamp.co.uk
More details and a programme of the weekend are available by contacting Denise at de8fish@yahoo.co.uk 07723329414 www.tolokotolo.com/workshops
"The dance reaches through time and s[pace to inhabit us, an invitation to descover ourselves as eternally playful, vibrant and awake"
For more information visit http://www.tolokotolo.com/workshops
Event Location
Haven Meadows Yurt Camp
Telephone: 07723 329 414
Email: de8fish@yahoo.co.uk
Website: http://www.tolokotolo.com/workshops