deHavillandMuseum / Events / Tue 25 Aug 2020
Exploring the Museum Webinar: The story of the Mosquito

Zoom webinar: 7pm to 8pm
The DH98 Mosquito was one of the most iconic aircraft of the War: designed at Salisbury Hall (the present-day location of the Museum) in 1940, the Prototype “Wooden Wonder” was built at the Hall in 11 months. Eighteen years later, it returned to its birthplace to form the nucleus of Britain’s first aviation museum.
Ian Thirsk is Head of Collections & Research at the Royal Air Force Museum and an acknowledged expert on the Mosquito. He has worked at the de Havilland Museum as a volunteer for many years and has written one of the leading reference books on the aircraft. He and the Museum’s Curator Alistair Hodgson will take a walk around this historic aircraft and look at the stories of the Mosquito and the men who flew them.
Places cost £5. Limited places available, advance registration required. Click here to register using PayPal: https://bit.ly/3h8FNog
For more information visit https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/5915975938632/WN_bx-uNtfeSNCp19jLVQHoaQ
Event Location
de Havilland Aircraft Museum
Telephone: 01727 826 400
Email: events@dehavillandmuseum.co.uk
Website: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/5915975938632/WN_bx-uNtfeSNCp19jLVQHoaQ