Debbie Hinks Life Drawing / Events / Mon 11 Feb to Mon 25 Mar 2013 (1 month)
Life Drawing Courses in Brighton

Introducing my next life drawing course @ Hummingbird Studio
DATES : 11th Feb, 25th Feb, 4th March,11th March,18th March, 25th March
TIME : Beginners 2.30 - 5.30
VENUE : Hummingbird Studio, 107 Havelock Road, Brighton, BN1 6GL
COST : £140 ( £135 conc.)
This 6 week course works out at £ 7.70 per hour, If you would prefer to do 5 weeks only the cost would be £ 120 (conc £ 115 )
This course will be informative and fun. Here you will learn how to draw the figure in proportion, how to use tone and line to create exciting yet well observed drawings working from the human form.
Short and long poses to vary your portfolio. You will learn how to confidently use charcoal,chalk pastels, ink and acrylic paint.
Suitable for beginners there will be at least one day of portraiture and you will have the opportunity to work on long poses allowing you to fully explore the medium. We use only the best models,male and female including mixed race models giving you the opportunity to explore a variety of facial features and body types.
Plenty of demonstrations and 1 to 1 tuition throughout, run by an experienced illustrator and drawing tutor.
For more information visit http://www.debbiehinks.com/
Event Location
Hummingbird Studio
107 Havelock Road
Telephone: 01273 505 201
Email: debbie.hinks@virgin.net
Website: http://www.debbiehinks.com/