Deana Kim Page / News / Fri 23 Oct 2020
Online Art Workshops - Paint and Draw from your sofa!

Online Art Sessions with Deana Kim Page
Available NOW
You can stay flexible and book one at a time or discounts available when you buy a VIP Unlimited Month long bundle.
This is a simple zoom situation and I have an online class for everyone!
These include up to 15 sessions a month:
Create together Sessions: draw, paint, doodle, knit, sew with others!
Champagne Fridays! - Create together and celebrate with us!
Masterpieces! - Re-create with Deana a classic Masterpiece!
Theme Thursdays! - A new theme every week!
and more......
For more information visit http://www.deanakim.co.uk/
News Location
high road
EN10 7BT
Telephone: 07817 862 342
Email: deana@deanakim.co.uk
Website: http://www.deanakim.co.uk/