DCT / Events / Tue 01 to Sun 20 May 2018 (3 weeks)
May day art show

Dear friend
You are invited to a preview of our new art show, with refreshments, from 5 – 7 pm on Tuesday 1 May 2018
C-view gallery welcomes four artists from our region to celebrate May Day:
Naomi Jasmine, Isobel Hindhaugh, Frances Lewis and Esme McCall
Their work, in contrasting artforms, will be on show at the C-view gallery from 1-21 May – viewing by appointment
Venue: Red door entrance opposite the Minster, off car park, Church View, Doncaster DN1 1AF
RSVP: ben.mccall@doncastercdt.org or just roll up on the night.
For more information visit http://www.c-view.org.uk/
Event Location
Church View
Telephone: 01302 376 837
Email: ben.mccall@doncastercdt.org
Website: http://www.c-view.org.uk/