Dawlish Art Hub (TRAIL) / Events / Thu 03 to Fri 04 Jun 2010 (2 days)
Two Days of *Free* Art Workshops - 'Dawlish On Track'

'Dawlish On Track' is two days of events, in celebration of the 175th Anniversary of the First Great Western Railway Line Parliamentary Order, most of which are free:
Dawlish Art Hub will be running exciting train themed drawing and model making workshops
Also don't miss
Exhibition of Fine Art Prints by John Austin FRGA and Philip D. Hawkins FRGA @ Shaftesbury Theatre FREE
10:00- 21:00 on Thursday 3rd June
10:00– 17:00 on Friday 4th June
Railway Slide Show and talk by Peter Gray Ticket entry: book seats at the Shaftesbury Theatre
15:00-17:00 & 19: 00- 21:00 on Thursday 3rd June
Steam, Speed and Sea Photographic Competition exhibition @ United Reform Church FREE
Train songs and poems by the Teignmouth Community Choir @ United Reform Church FREE
19:00- 21:00 on Friday 4th June
A full list of events is on display at Dawlish Tourist Info. Centre