DAVID BLAKELEY / Events / Fri 01 Jun to Sat 15 Sep 2012 (4 months)
David Blakeley @ Shaldon 1785 Art & Craft Days 2012

Shaldon village holds a Art and Craft day on every Wednesday between the 1st June and 15th September. It is held on the village green between the hours of 10am to 4pm. I will be attending this event of various Wednesday's during 2012 and will be bring along my series of pencil drawing and photographic products to view or purchase.
The exact days I will be attending will be posted on both my website : www.davidblakeleyphotography.com and the creativetorbay website.
It would be great to see you there
Kind Regards
For more information visit http://www.davidblakeleyphotography.com/