DAVID BLAKELEY Pencil Drawings of the South Devon Coastline
Having spent the last seven years capturing the South Devon coastline with my camera, I decided to turn to my other passion, pencil drawing. I have produced a series of twelve drawings all based on local scenes and my time spent on the coastline.
My drawing are available for purchase as "Limited Edition" prints from either my website : www.davidblakeleyphotography.com click on locations and then pencil drawings OR from myself in person at one of the many art and craft events I will be attending in 2012. A list of the events I will be attending will be posted on my website and creativetorbay on the "My Events" page.
If you have any queries regarding my pencil drawings or my photographs, please do not hesitate to contact me on : david.blakeley@talktalk.net
View my website http://www.davidblakeleyphotography.com/
My Location
My Events
David Blakeley @ Shaldon 1785 Art & Craft Days 2012 / Fri 01 Jun to Sat 15 Sep 2012 (4 months)
Shaldon village holds a Art and Craft day on every Wednesday between the 1st June and 15th September. It is held on the village green between the hour...
David Blakeley @ Torbay Steam Fair 2012 / Fri 03 to Sun 05 Aug 2012 (3 days)
I am very pleased to confirm that I will have an art and craft stand at the Torbay Steam Fair 2012. This will be my first time at the event and I hope...
David Blakeley @ Torbay Carnival 2012 / Wed 25 Jul 2012
I am pleased to confirm I will have a stand at the Torbay Carnival on Wednesday 25th July 2012. It will be in the Art & Craft marquee on the North Gre...