DaveCharlesworth / Events / Wed 11 to Tue 17 Dec 2019 (1 week)
Mether: Louis Gauger, ’Das kann mir keiner nehmen’, 2019

Throughout November, December and January 2019, Yan Tan Tether will be taking over two windows of the Piazza Shopping Centre in Huddersfield.
Mether: Louis Gauger, ’Das kann mir keiner nehmen’, 2019
11th Dec – 17th Dec
3pm- 9pm daily
’Das kann mir keiner nehmen’ is part of a series, where I reproduce set designs from televised german schlager performances in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. I share these works on Instagram alongside documentation of how I translate the performances into a 3-dimensional, digital space. Apart from being a piece of entertainment in itself, the work also is a meta-take on todays retromanic content consumerism - our obsession with authenticity and being earnest, expressed as a triangulation of purchasable objects and staged snaps on today’s most used communication channel: social media.
For more information visit https://www.yantantether.org/home/mether/
Event Location
Piazza Shopping Centre
Princess Alexandra Walk
Email: dave@kitmapper.com
Website: https://www.yantantether.org/home/mether/