darts (Doncaster Community Arts) / News / Wed 26 Jun 2019
Darts open a 'Scribble, Doodle and Draw' competition

Enter the 'Scribble, Doodle and Draw' competition to win one of four Tor Freeman framed prints.
darts (Doncaster Community Arts) would like you to create a 2D image (no bigger than A3) inspired by their Scribble, Doodle and Draw exhibition in the gallery at The Point.
You can use any medium you like and you will need to get your entries to us (either as a hard copy or by e-mail) by: Friday 2nd August 2019
Categories are:
0-5 years | 6-10 years | 11-15 years | 16+ years
The winners will be selected by the a panel of artists including Tor Freeman, whose work makes up part of Scribble, Doodle and Draw!
Please submit your entry to Adrian Horan, The Point, 16 South Parade, Doncaster, DN1 2DR or email it to Adrian@thepoint.org.uk
Don’t forget to include your name, age and title for the entry as well as the contact telephone number and email of your parent or guardian (or your own if over 16).
See full terms and conditions and more info via the link below.
For more information visit https://www.thepoint.org.uk/sddcomp/
News Location
The Point
16 South Parade
Telephone: 01302 341 662
Email: adrian@thepoint.org.uk
Website: https://www.thepoint.org.uk/sddcomp/