Dartmoor Arts Summer School / Events / Sun 22 to Sat 28 Jul 2012 (1 week)
Animation for Artists course at Dartmoor Arts Summer School

Have you ever wanted to experiment with animation within your own practice? engage with the moving image? Sculptors, printmakers, painters... you name it! experimental film makers Josh Gaunt and Anna Aroussi can introduce to you the various principles of animation and will work with you in many differing forms of animation from traditional to experimental. One of the most responsive and reflective mediums available, animation can bring to life many aspects of the creative process that will normally be fleeting or hidden.You will have the chance to work on individual projects as well as make a collaborative animation to be screened at the end of the week to a public audience. BURSARIES are available for this course for artists who have limited finances.
For more information visit http://www.dartmoorarts.com/
Event Location
Dartmoor Arts Project
Veet Mill Farm
Near Exeter
Telephone: 01647 281 295
Email: admin@dartmoorarts.com
Website: http://www.dartmoorarts.com/