Dartmoor Arts Summer School / Events / Mon 28 to Wed 30 Jul 2014 (3 days)
3 day storytelling Course with Wilf Merttens & Stephen Park

An audience is a many headed beast, terrifying yes, but bearing a childlike weakness to be entertained. Excel at talking to this beast and you can change the world. Make an ordinary success of it and you will never be quite the same, because to overcome this animal is to overcome yourself.
Stephen and Wilf will prepare you. They will show you some of what it loves and hates, they will introduce you to versions of yourself that you are likely to become under the glare of its attention. Whether you play the reluctant hero, the fool, or the bloodthirsty Queen, you can beguile, befriend and subdue this creature with the extraordinary powers you don't know that you possess.
Come with the bones of a story, myth, joke or anecdote, and watch it take flesh, laugh heartily, and invite itself to your birthday party.
"I seriously recommend this course – it was life changing, empowering, hilarious and emotional. My stomach muscles ached after 3 days of continuous laughing. Performing on stage was brilliant – I didn't want to get off! take the plunge…Now I can talk anywhere, to any number of people without being scared…" Storytelling Student 2013
Students get to perform live on the evening of the 30th July to a large audience. This course is part of the Dartmoor Arts Project Summer School, near Exeter. BURSARIES AVAILABLE FOR THIS COURSE
For more information visit http://www.dartmoorarts.com/
Event Location
Website: http://www.dartmoorarts.com/