Dartington Hall Trust / Events / Mon 06 Jul 2009
Arts Networking Dinner

Come and enjoy fine dining and the company of the South West's leading businesses in our magnificent 14th Century Great Hall while finding out how the Arts can really give your business the cutting edge.
Following on from the great success of the "Sustainability Networking Dinner" in March, Dartington Hall proudly announces the second in our series of networking dinners themed on the core charitable activities that take place at Dartington. This time it is the turn of the Arts; we have a fascinating line up of speakers who will add insight in to how creativity and innovation are integral to any successful business. The list is very impressive and you can see full biographies at www.dartingtonhall.com/and. Don't miss out on this exclusive evening!
The after dinner speech will be presented by Jude Kelly OBE, Artistic Director at the South Bank Centre, Chair of the Olympic Culture and Education Committee for London 2012, and Founder and Chair of Metal.
The guest presentations before dinner will include:
David Francis - Director of Arts, Dartington. As head of Dartington's pioneering international arts programme, David will talk about The Arts at Dartington: the activities, the future, the impact and what makes us unique. He will also talk about his experience in arts based training.
Celia Delaney - Director of Delaney & Hart, Celia will be giving some practical tips on how to blend the arts with business and create long-lasting benefits for you and your organisation.
Anne Miller - Director of The Creativity Partnership that provides consultancy, workshops and management training for some of Europe's most successful organisations, Anne is an authority on creativity and innovation.
With musical entertainment courtesy of Harriet Riley, (a student of the South West Music School, one of the projects supported by Dartington), you are assured of a fascinating, informative and entertaining evening.
During dinner, the networking part of the event will be run by table hosts who will invite you to present a three minute pitch to your fellow networkers. Please bring enough business cards for your table, plus extra ones for all the other wonderful businesses that you will meet on the night!
Last time we completely sold out, so register your interest early with us. Champagne reception starts at 6.30pm followed by presentations, three course networking dinner including wine and coffee, and after dinner speech. Guests are invited to continue networking in The White Hart Bar at the end of the evening.
Tickets priced at £30 each (not including accommodation) and can be ordered by emailing bookings@dartingtonhall.com
You can find out more about the Arts programme at Dartington by visiting www.dartington.org/arts
The Arts Networking Dinner is brought to you by Dartington Hall in association with Business Networks SW.
For more information visit http://www.dartingtonhall.com/
Event Location
Website: http://www.dartingtonhall.com/