Dark Horse Theatre / News / Tue 27 Apr 2021
Dark Horse Theatre is Looking for New Student Actors.

Do you want to train to be an actor?
Dark Horse is looking for new student actors (18+) to join our highly regarded actor training course from September. If you or someone you know has a learning disability and would like to know more email kirsty@darkhorsetheatre.co.uk
For more information visit https://www.darkhorsetheatre.co.uk/train-learn-2/
News Location
Lawrence Batley Theatre, Huddersfield.
Dark Horse Theatre, Lawrence Batley Theatre
Queens Street, Huddersfield.
Telephone: 01484 484 441
Email: kirsty@darkhorsetheatre.co.uk
Website: https://www.darkhorsetheatre.co.uk/train-learn-2/