Danielle Rose / Events / Sun 28 Oct 2012
Matthew & Me presents “Our Van Fundraiser Extravaganza”

Determined to not let their van being sent for scrap stop them from playing music, local act Matthew & Me are throwing a fundraising ‘extravaganza’ to help raise enough funds to buy a replacement.
Their last vehicle, a red transit affectionately nicknamed Martha, came to be on her last legs after a busy summer of gigging at festivals across the South West. Having their own transport is essential for the popular local Totnes 5-piece band, who met in Devon at Dartington College of Arts, and gig regularly around the region and beyond.
The band, hoping to raise enough money to buy another van, started an online fundraising campaign on crowd-funding website wefund.com. Thanks to the generosity of their supporters, £2k has already been pledged to the cause. It’s hoped that the fundraising event on 28th October at the Barrelhouse Totnes will help Matthew & Me reach their goal and be able to get back on the road again.
Doors will open at 4pm, and the fun-packed event will include an open-mic with special guests, bring-your-own vinyl DJ slots, a vintage clothes swap, cupcake stand, trinket shop, raffle and much more. Entrance will be by donations on the door with entertainment until late.
For more information visit http://matthewandme.co.uk/
Event Location
Barrel House Totnes
Website: http://matthewandme.co.uk/