Dan Petley / Images
‘2828 Lock’ Jewellery item and publicity modelling shot

All work associated with my jewellery project ‘Gutter Bling’ is made from found objects, meaning that the style of the final product is governed first and foremost by what the general public has allowed to slip through its fingers, onto our streets.
Each piece is an individual hand-made object d’art. I always like to control all design, photography, modelling and marketing for Gutter Bling, as I think it is important to keep a consistent idiosyncratic identity, in order to prevent ‘Gutter Bling’ from becoming a product as opposed to a piece of art.
This piece is a perfect demonstration of how the discarded items selected for use in ‘Gutter Bling’ are given a new chance to exist in a far less predictable context than their original destiny. This is one factor that allows each piece to radiate such a charming individuality, making this work simultaneously a fashion statement and a humorously challenging piece of artwork.