Dacorum Young Artists / News / Mon 26 Oct 2020
Dacorum Young Artists 2021 - Online

Dacorum Young Artists (DYA) 2021. This annual competition has been running since 2015. DYA enables local schools to encourage the artistic talents of their Year 4 & 5 pupils. The achievements of each participating school are recognised by a ‘Best in School Award’. The pupils placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd overall also receive financial awards to put towards art materials.
The competition had to be canceled this year because of the pandemic: a record 26 schools had entered but lockdown occurred just when the exhibits were about to be collected.
DYA 2021 has just been launched, as an online competition. The response has been speedy with 19 schools registering already.
If you have children, grandchildren or know of other children who might be eligible to enter, please support them and their schools in this competition.
DYA is organised jointly with Berkhamsted Rotary, Hemel Hempstead Rotary, The Arts Society Gade Valley and ADFAS.
For more information visit https://berkorotary.org/#xl_xr_page_index
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Thames House
Kingshill Way
Telephone: 07804 922 353
Email: rollo.prendergast@gmail.com
Website: https://berkorotary.org/#xl_xr_page_index