Dacorum Community Choir / Events / Sat 23 Apr 2022
'Were I Not to Sing' - Dacorum Community Choir Spring Concert

A Spring concert from Dacorum Community Choir featuring 'Were I not to sing', a piece specially commissioned to celebrate the Choir's 10th anniversary in 2019.
The Choir will be joined by The Belgravia String Quartet and a local young musicians on the flute.
The concert starts at 6.30pm and everyone attending is invited to join the Choir for refreshments afterwards.
For more information visit http://www.dacorumcommunitychoir.org/
Event Location
Hemel Hempstead Methodist Church
Northridge Way
Hemel Hempstead
Telephone: 07788 610 406
Email: caroline.gibsonlees@gmail.com
Website: http://www.dacorumcommunitychoir.org/